
Latest Bitcoin Blocks

Height Timestamp TXs Size (KB) Reward

Bitcoin Block Explorer

BlockSurf is a lightweight Bitcoin block explorer. Its focus is simplicity and ease of use, especially for mobile users. It works in combination with TxCheckup and BitRef and helps you explore the entire Bitcoin blockchain.

All the necessary information about every block is shown, including its height, hash, timestamp, number of transactions, size, subsidy, miner reward, fee sum, weight units, number of confirmations, and more.

Unlike other Bitcoin block explorers, with us, you can easily load and view absolutely all transactions in a given block. We show less information about individual transactions, but there is a link to the full one if needed.

We also provide a search engine that helps you to find a Bitcoin block by its height number or block hash and navigate directly to it. This helps to explore very old blocks without having to navigate to them.

The list of blocks on this page is updated automatically when a new block is discovered, provided that the "Load More Blocks" button has not been used.